Eng Fadhel Al Ali
Chairman, ASSP Kuwait Chapter

The participation of the delegates in the Conference from Kuwait & other part of the world reflects the stature of the conference. The Upcoming 11th International HSSE & Loss Prevention Conference & Exhibition will be a major event, which provides opportunity to interact with highly renowned speakers & diversified HSE professionals from all sectors. I kindly request the companies to come forward and participate as sponsors delegates and Exhibitors.

Eng.Mr. Faris Al-Mansouri
Team Leader, QHSE Team, KOC

Director, PDC 2022 , ASSP Kuwait Chapter

As a conference Director, I am excited to see the team progressing day by day to host this mega HSSE event of the chapter. The need of the hour in the region is “Environmental Excellence through Sustainable Solutions” itself has become the theme of the conference. Am sure the conference will be beneficial and a learning experience with all the HSSE Experts participating in discussions, and presentations. Looking forward to seeing you all in the mega gathering.

Eng. Jignesh Shah,
Dpy Director, 11th PDC, 2022

ASSP Kuwait Chapter is the Kuwait’s premier voluntary, non-profit making Health, Safety and Environmental organization. In pursuance to its goals and objectives the society is organizing international Conference keeping the local and global HSE challenges in view. This event is being organized biennially, which provides an opportunity to the HSSE Professionals from Kuwait and overseas countries for sharing their best practices and networking among the industry professionals. I am pleased to invite you to participate in the upcoming 11th International Health, Safety, Security, Environment & loss prevention professional development conference and Exhibition, a mega event which will be held on 9th & 10th November 2022 in the State of Kuwait.

Eng. Ahmed Ismael,
Mentor, 11th PDC, 2022

It’s been an great honor to witness and be part of this mega event of ASSP Kuwait Chapter. I am sure that the event will be bring together all the HSE leaders of the region to have a fruitful discussion on the theme “Environmental Excellence through Sustainable Solutions’ ”

Eng. Mazharuddin R. Shaikh,
President ,ASSP Kuwait Chapter

11th PDC 2022 is set to revolve around the theme of “Environmental Excellence through Sustainable Solution”. As a core components of the show, the conference will feature some of the top expertise in the field of HSE parallel tracks focusing on major aspects in Health, Safety, Sustainability & Environment, with major emphasis on environmental subjects.

Ms. Christine M. Sullivan, CSP, ARM,
President, ASSP, USA

I am pleased to invite all the fellow HSSE professionals to the ASSP Kuwait Chapter’s 11th International HSSE & Loss Prevention Conference & Exhibition. I am sure the conference will not only be one of the biggest but also the best technical conference which you may witness in the region.

Eng. Vasudevan Narayanan
Vice President, Region IX ASSP, USA

ASSP Kuwait Chapter 11th PDC 2022 is one of the unique HSSE conference & exhibition held in the state of Kuwait which features some of the renowned speakers from the GCC region and other part of the globe. My sincere thanks to KNPC management for the active involvement and support for the conference. I am excited to be present at the conference , I am sure you too.

Eng. Sampath Reddy Golamari
Area 1 Director, Region IX, ASSP, USA, Mentor, PDC 2022

HSSE is an essential component of all businesses and it is highly essential that it is completely intertwined & integrated with the core activities / operations of any business and ensuring workplace is more efficient and productive. In this context, it is very relevant to note that upcoming American Society of Safety Professionals –Kuwait Chapter (ASSP-KC) 11th PDC 2022 scheduled from 9th – 10th November 2022 will address some of the current key HSE issues and its solutions. Please be part of this mega event.